My Philosophy
In my experience I have found that dance and free form
creative expression bring with them a sensation of deep satisfaction and joy.
Many object manipulators (jugglers, poi dancers, hula hoop dancers etc. . .)
speak of a moment of flow, though many may use different descriptive terms for
the state. For me, as well as many others, this moment of flow verges on
spiritualistic proportions in its capacity to induce clarity of presence and
sheer joy in the magic of creative impulse. I also entertain the possibility,
along with many others, that the shapes one creates in object manipulation,
such as circles and anti-spin flowers reflect the sacred geometrical shapes
which are thought to form the foundational fabric of our universe. In entering
into these shapes and conjuring them around us we bring ourselves closer to the
fabric (my term for the ever-stretching everything borrowed from I <3 Huccabees,
great movie) and thus get a taste of the deep peace and presence seen in the
ocean and the sky.
Another way I strive to bring myself into the flow, and closer to the fabric, is through dancing without objects. When I dance I let the music percolate through my being, finding a nook and crevice for every beat. I try to emulate all aspects of the music, everything from its tonal quality, the over arching melody, down to the heart beat baseline and all of the little crunchy beats in between. Now this is a tall order, certainly, but it is my goal to be as in line with the music as possible, however close I get, it is simply a fun game. When I enter the flow in dancing, remarkable things occur. For one, I seem to anticipate breaks or throw-down beats. It is like I can feel the music artist on the other end of the speaker wires; I can feel his or her heart and his or her mind and can somehow tell what her or she is about to do next. This moment is rare and as soon as I become aware of it, the ability goes fleeing away. Of course, any time I go seeking for this clarity of awareness I never find it and inevitably make my move at the wrong instant. It is only when I am happily unaware of my movements, often with eyes closed, that I touch the nerve of flow so fine I might anticipate the music to this degree. The other remarkable event in flow occurs when I feel my body expand, no it is more like I feel myself expand beyond my body. I let myself get so lost in the rising and falling sine waves of sound that the boundaries of my energetic body become blurred. This experience is rather common, I’m finding, among followers of the flow. We forget ourselves in a way and find ourselves blending into a larger whole, a collective consciousness if you will.
The benefits of entering the flow are many and varied. Personally, I have gained a better understanding of my true self, as I shed my insecurities and misconceptions of who I “should be”. With this has come greater self confidence and clarity of purpose. Of course much of this clarity vanishes when I am plucked up out of the womb of music and plopped back into the “real world” where concerns about self sustainment reign supreme. With enough faith in the clarity I receive from my brushes with the flow, enough hard work and a good dose of luck, I will achieve the life goals I have placed in front of me. “What goals?” you might ask. Click on my Mission tab for more of my ramblings!
Another way I strive to bring myself into the flow, and closer to the fabric, is through dancing without objects. When I dance I let the music percolate through my being, finding a nook and crevice for every beat. I try to emulate all aspects of the music, everything from its tonal quality, the over arching melody, down to the heart beat baseline and all of the little crunchy beats in between. Now this is a tall order, certainly, but it is my goal to be as in line with the music as possible, however close I get, it is simply a fun game. When I enter the flow in dancing, remarkable things occur. For one, I seem to anticipate breaks or throw-down beats. It is like I can feel the music artist on the other end of the speaker wires; I can feel his or her heart and his or her mind and can somehow tell what her or she is about to do next. This moment is rare and as soon as I become aware of it, the ability goes fleeing away. Of course, any time I go seeking for this clarity of awareness I never find it and inevitably make my move at the wrong instant. It is only when I am happily unaware of my movements, often with eyes closed, that I touch the nerve of flow so fine I might anticipate the music to this degree. The other remarkable event in flow occurs when I feel my body expand, no it is more like I feel myself expand beyond my body. I let myself get so lost in the rising and falling sine waves of sound that the boundaries of my energetic body become blurred. This experience is rather common, I’m finding, among followers of the flow. We forget ourselves in a way and find ourselves blending into a larger whole, a collective consciousness if you will.
The benefits of entering the flow are many and varied. Personally, I have gained a better understanding of my true self, as I shed my insecurities and misconceptions of who I “should be”. With this has come greater self confidence and clarity of purpose. Of course much of this clarity vanishes when I am plucked up out of the womb of music and plopped back into the “real world” where concerns about self sustainment reign supreme. With enough faith in the clarity I receive from my brushes with the flow, enough hard work and a good dose of luck, I will achieve the life goals I have placed in front of me. “What goals?” you might ask. Click on my Mission tab for more of my ramblings!